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Permiline Bronze

320 Permiline Bronze 320 is ideally suited for industrial gearboxes of various types and wasespecially for the mining industry as well as for the iron and steel industry with transmissions that are subject to high thermal loadsdeveloped under the most unfavorable conditions.

Product info

Permiline Bronze 320 is a modern industrial gear oil. High quality mineral base oils and aCarefully matched additive combination gives this oil the following properties:
•Excellent pressure absorption
•Very high aging and oxidation stability
•Good thermal stability
•Excellent protection against corrosion and foaming
•Excellent wear protection that effectively prevents pitting or pitting
•Compatible with sealants common in industrial gearboxes
•Excellent non-ferrous metal compatibility
•Low pour point


Specifications and approvals

DIN 51517-3:CLP SEB 181226

Capacity specification
